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Things we are doing / ideas & projects discussed


Current projects under development

a) Integrated Roof Solar panels on the South aisle and Porch of St. Mary’s Church CRC / PCC. Agreement in theory, from the PCC, Ely Diocese and Architect.

b) Churchyard grass, investigating green options to reduce grass cutting (Slow growing grass ) and to avoid the ecological desert that modern lawns are (with ‘Pardon the weeds we are feeding the Bees’ signs) i.e. grass alternatives / extending Charles’s scheme and cutting once or twice a year. PC & PCC approval to investigate ideas
Advisory visits apply to Cambridgeshire scheme
Hertfordshire Wildlife Trust may have information.
Andy & Rachel will try some of these ideas in their garden at home Refer to James Hitchmough ‘Sowing Beauty’ Designing Flowering Meadows from Seed


c) Talk on plastics and recycling by our local expert TBC (Thank you Mike)

d) No Dig gardening talk TBC (Thank you Nettie)


e) Tree planting in Guilden with the Parish Council’s help, plans underway (Thank you Phil)


Ideas & projects discussed to investigate / develop - longer term

  1. Solar PV - Community and religious buildings, Residents houses, and other locations (i.e. Solar PV fields panels wet spaced and set 2.4m high on legs, re-wilded underneath. See Community solar PV Co-op - 2 x solar fields - profits to support local community Eco activities

  2. Warmer Mordens - Tackling fuel poverty i.e.

  3. Community renewable energy/heat scheme. Bore hole geothermal heat to most houses in the village. see

  4. Wind Turbine - where ? are seeking permissions etc to instal one

  5. Community garden / forest gardens / agro-forestry / food forests  / composting (Find land) - •

  6. Combined projects - Food forest / solar to pay for upkeep ( pollarded wood for garden poles (instead of bamboo) etc / compost area / learning disabilities gardeners / Hut / power / water & toilets etc

  7. Repair and mend club / cafe’s - clothes / bikes / furniture etc

  8. Eco chat evenings discussing tips and ideas on how to lead better lives

  9. Books, education and speakers - Promote knowledge and understanding underpinning lifestyle changes that are required

  10. Electric car sharing club. Most peoples cars sit idle 95% of the time, think of the money you could save if we had a car share club (post Covid)

  11. Paid electric vehicle charging points - see

  12. Campaign for safe cycle paths joining our villages, schools and station together - contact new Mayor C&P combined Nik Johnson

  13. Free cycle days (Car Boot style) - clothes exchange (events already in Steeple)

  14. Influencing local businesses. i.e. Peat free compost with local garden centres

  15. Long term consider becoming a Transition Town (benefits = grants and assistance)


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